PHILOSOPHY: a world in which everything obeys the law of cause and effect and there is nothing
more beyond.
ESP: Extrasensory Perception is defined as the ability by individuals to obtain information beyond the
limitations of the time-space contiuum.
CLAIRVOYANCE: the ability to "see clear" that is, beyond the boundaries of time and space.
CLAIRAUDIENCE: the phenomenon of hearing sounds, such as voices, not emanting from visible sources in
the immediate vicinity of the percipient.
CLAURSENTIENCE: The registration of specific scents for which there appears to be no logical reason.
These scents represent associations with people and the recipient.
PSYCHOMETRY: The ability to derive info from the touch of objects
TELEPATHY: mind-to-mind communication.
PRECOGNITION: The ability to know beforehand, to have accurate info about events, situations, and people
ahead of time that we become consciously aware of them.
PREMONITIONS: Milder form of precognitive experience in the sense that they are usually feelings about
events to come rather than sharply defined flahses of actual scenes.
ASTRAL PROJECTION: the inner self, the etheric body, leaves the physical abode temporaily and travels,
usually at great speeds.
OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES: can be classified roughly into 2 main categories: the spontaneous cases, where
it occurs without being induced in any way and is usually a surprise, and experimental cases, where the state of dissociation
is deliberately induced by various means.
BILOCATION: a phenomenon closely allied with astral projection. In bilocation a living person is projected
to another site and observed there by one or more witnesses while at the same time continuing to function fully and normally
in the physical body of the original place.
AUTOMATIC WRITING: here the person endeavoring communication with the external source allows then pen
or pencil to be guided by that source.
TELEPORTATION: the rapid and seemingly instantaneous movement of a solid object (or even a person) from
one location to another without the usual means of transport.
POLTERGEIST: German meaning noisy and physical phenomena.
RETROCOGNITION: an emotionally-charged site apparently manages to transmit images of its past to later
GHOST: earthbound spirits of humans who for whatever reasons remain attached to a particular locale
long after their physical death and usually want no more than to be left alone to enjoy the spot they've become accustomed
to while on Earth.
TULPA: refers to begin that originate in the mind and then through intense belief and visualization.
IMPRINTS: Intensely concentrated pockets of energy.
ASTRAL CATALEPSY: Waking up from a sound sleep and not being able to move.
BLEED-THROUGHS: fascinating & relatively rare experiences in which the past and the present meet
with such force that they actually "bleed" into each other.
KINETIC ENERGY: the unintentional, spontaneous manipulation of inanimate objects through no obvious
physical means.
NIGHT TERRORS: appear to be awake, yet be having a complete conversation with someone or something in
a dreamlike state. Some dreams can terrify, and you'll be unable to wake them up. Then they call out and scream to make them
leave. Last anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes to all night.
INDUSTRIAL HAUNT: will communicate with you and find pleasure in scaring you.
RESIDUAL HAUNT: leaves you alone for the most part. They like to just go on doing what it had not finished
while on earth.
DEMONIC HAUNT: "evil" As I would put it one in which is not human and works through the evilness of
Lucifer himself.
DEMONIC POSSESSION: that of which a demonic spirit takes over oneself.
Glossolalia- The psychic phenomenon of speaking in foreign tongues.
LEVITATION: Levitation is a phenomenon of psychokinesis (PK) in which
objects, people, and animals are lifted into the air without any visibly physical means and float or fly about. The phenomenon
has been said to have occurred in mediumship, shamanism, trances, mystical rapture, and demonic possession. Some cases of levitation appear to be spontaneous, while spiritual or magical adepts are said to be able to control it consciously.
EXCORCISM: Exorcism is mainly thought of as the rite of driving out the Devil and his demons from possessed
persons. Exorcism is mainly performed in incidences of demonic possession that is generally distinguished from spiritual possession.
A general assumption is that the Roman Catholic singularly practices the rite of exorcism, but some Protestant denominations
such as the Pentecostals and other charismatic groups practice it as well. These groups refer to the practice as "deliverance
ministry" where gifted people drive out devils and heal while they touch the persons with their hands, called laying on of
hands, and pray over them.
ECTOPLASM: the supposed emanation from the body of a medium.
MANIFEST: to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly
DEMONOLOGY:the study of demons or of beliefs about demons.