Enter content here What is a Haunting?
A haunted place is any area with a high concentation of ghostly activity that last over a prolonged period of time.
About Death
No matter what factors are present at death--homicide, suicide, explosion, accident, old age--there is one constant
that remains. There is no pain when you die. I can never say this enough to people. In fact, it is this absence of pain that
confuses many of the newly dead because they do not realize they have died. No one ever dies alone. When we pass out of
our bodies, deceased loved ones are always there to greet us. We may not have seen these people for many years, but the love
bonds we experienced on earth are still very much continued on the other side. Many experience a sense of being surrounded
by a brilliant light and being pulled through a tunnel. People describe the light as God, or an all-knowing being. Instead
of light, some ghosts describe being surrounded by a glorious display of celestial colors like nothing they have ever seen. There
is an immediate sense of not being limited to the physical body. The life once lived simply falls away. In its place is an
awareness of a newness to life. Finally,when we stand at the doorway to death, there seems to be an immediate altering
of time and space. Ghosts are timeless, ethereal, transparent dimension. Earth time may be passing, but to a ghost everying
is happening now.
Near Death Experiences
A sensation of floating above one's body and seeing the surrounding area. Pleasant feelings of calmness and overwhelming
peace. Moving through a tunnel or narrow passageway of light. Being greated by deceased relatives. Encounters with
an angel, a being of light, or a religious figure. Experiencing a life review Reaching a border or boundary that one
cannot cross. Finally, a feeling of rapidly moving back into one's body, often with great reluctance.
Insights From the Spirit World
No one ever dies alone. No matter what, there are always friends, family members, and others there to greet you. Often
there are spirits from many lifetimes ago to meet you as well. Your soul recognizes all whom you have known. In the spirit
world, there is no time as we know it. Past and future do not exist. All "time" is now.. When you arrive on the other side,
you have a life review. You witness and actively experience important moments in your recent life. You become aware of the
soul lessons that you had to learn. Only you are the judge of yourself. Only you will know if you learned the lesson or not.
No one else can judge you. If you hurt someone on earth, you experience that exact same hurt. Only you can forgive yourself
for the pain that you caused another soul, and only you can forgive yourself for the pain you caused yourself. You see
clearly the importance of your life and its effect on others. You become aware of yourself on a soul level and understand
the vastness of a multidimenstional universe. Your consciousness expands. You understand how previous lifetimes influenced
your judgement of the life you just lived. You realize that the spirit world is made up of thousands of levels and that
spirits gravitate to particular levels depending on their soul's evolution. You know thta Universal Law rules everything,
and that like always attracts like. You learn that there are lower, darker levels for unevolved souls and those who have
not yet learned to appreciate their lives or lives of others. You realize that life never ends. Life continues forever
in different forms and in different dimensions.
Why do Ghost remain tied to the Earth?
A Person has some sort of unfinished business with someone on earth. Death was sudden and unexpected, such as a car
accident or murder, and the deceased is unaware of his or her condition. A person may want to make sure that his or her
final wishes are being followed. A person with certain religious beliefs may be afraid of what lies ahead, especially those
beliefs tied into hell and damnation.
How Do I sense Energy?
Here is a very simple, quick, and safe way for you to experience what your own energy feels like. To begin, shake both
arms away from your body. This helps you loosen up and relax. Hold your hands in front of your body about two feet apart with
your palms facing each other. Close your eyesd and become completely and totally aware of nothing else but the space between
the palms of your hands. After several seconds, slowly begin to move the palms of your hands toward one another. Pay attenton
to what happens in the space between your hands. As you slowly move your palms together, you will feel a tingling sensation
or magnetic force emancing your palms. As you keep moving your hands closer the sensation will be more pronounced. Now push
your palms together and away from each other. You are now aware of your own energy. Get a partner. Have your partner stand
about 3 feet away from you with his back facing you. Ask your partner to close his or her eyes, relax, and tune in to his
body and notice how it feels. Stand behind your partner and extend your hands with your palms facing your partners back. Very
slowly, make a pushing motion, moving your hands back and forth toward your partners back. Be patient and keep it going. Within
several minutes, you will notice that his is body is beginning to sway back and forth in concert with movement of your hands.
You are manipulating the energy surrounding your partner (His or her Aura). Enter a meditative state and become more neutral
to the surroundings. Concentrate on an individual, first by visualizing that persons face as if he or she were right next
to you. In your minds eye, act as though they are standing and discussing something in extreme detail with that person. At
the end of the conversation instruct the person to contact you. (Remember they are not really there). Wait 24 hours for the
individual to contact them. When the person calls ask them why they called. It is interesting to see their discussion in the
meditation is what they will talk about.
How Do I know that a low level ghost may be hanging around?
Hearing voices Sudden cravings for alcohol, cigaretts, and drugs, especially after surgery or a traumatic event. Sudden
weight gain Fears and phobias Sudden changes in behavior, such as increased anger, depression, or thoughts of suicide Serious
illness of unknown cause Loss of energy Memory and concentration problems Unexplained physical problems--such as
pain from an undetermined cause Migraine headaches Night terrors and nightmares Panic or anxiety attacks Multiple
I want to be a ghosthunter, how do you do it?
Intention- You must have a clear intention as to why you want to expore this world. Do you want to be of service and help
another person find his or her deceased relative or friend? Do you want to bring peace to a ghost? Are you helping a spirit
move on? Do you want to rescue a ghost from its current troubled condition? Are you trying to contact the other side as a
game, as a joke, or to scare your friends? Ghost hunting must be taken seriously because ghosts are NOT to be fooled with.
You could very well open a door that you cannot close and the consequences you cannot handle. Remember that ghosts can read
your mind and recognize your fear, and if you don't respect them by entering their world with knowledge and preperation, the
results can have dire physical, and emotional effects on you and anyone with you. This is not a joke. YOu can be a beacon
of understanding and a help to those who are lost, but only if you enter the astral dimentions with love and compassion for
all those you contact. Permission- Before going to any property get written permission of the owner. You must get permission
to enter the property. Familiarize yourself with the history of the property, including previous owners, deeds of trust, builders,
contractors who may have done additions and improvements, and the current owners. Research any records associated with the
property. Find out whether there was another structure on the property before the current one. Research public records and
newspapers to find out whether any any significant incidents have taken place on the property, such as fires, murders, suicides,
or other crimes. Remember that most hauntings are associated with past events that happened in a particular place. If possible,
consider acquainting yourself with the property by visiting it several times especially the night before the investigation.
It is easier to investigate if you know the lands layout.
What equipment is used in ghost hunts?
A watch A cell phone A notebook A thermometer or infrarer thermal scanner to measure any environmental changes A
polariod camera, a 35mm camera with high speed film, and a digital camera A video camera and tripod A natural electromagnetic
field meter Digital and audiotape voice recorders (For interviews and Electronic Voice Phenomenon) A Geiger counter
to measurer radiations leaks Thermal video monitors, which measure small changes in temperature and may show you ghosts
on the monitor. First- Aid Kit
How Do I prepare for a ghost hunt?
You must know what your looking for. What kind of activity is occuring on the property? If you are searching for a ghost
or poltergeist, does it relate to a specific period of the past? Do you want to communicate with a relative or friend of the
current owner? Before you begin, make sure you have a checklist to help you keep track of the following preperations: Never
go on a ghost hunt alone. Have at least one other person along with you to assist you. Before you enter the property or
start any work with the paranormal, always begin with a prayer of protection. Make sure that all of the equipment you will
be using is fully charged and that you have extra fully charged batteries. Remember that ghost feed on electrical energy. Set
up a central location inside the house for storage of all equipment, batteries, and flashlights. Always carry a camera
and flashlight on you, again, have extra batteries. Log significant conditions in your notebook, such as weather or the
electrical condition of the room or building. Allow only those people who are seriously interested in the project be part
of the investigation. Don't let strangers onto the property. If you have a large group, split into two so that each group
can investigate different areas of the property. Record any and all activity, including meter abnormalities, strange sounds,
spontaneous lights, and anxious or fearful emotional feelings of the group. Contstantly check the equipment to make sure
it is still working. Be respectful of the dead as well as the living who are on site. Go with your gut. If you don't feel
safe, leave immediately. When you are about to leave, say a closing protective prayer to bless yourself, the others around
you, and any ghosts you may have encountered.
Could you tell me more on the Investigation?
Make sure you are familiar with all the technical and paranormal terms. Also, you may not get explanations you think you
want because you are dealing with an entirely different dimention. Make sure to question everything you experience, run it
by the others who are taking part in the investigation. Make sure that everyone is on the same team and that someone with
experience is involved. Do not ghost-hunt with just anyone. This is serious work. When you research a paranormal organization,
make sure it has the qualifications relevant to your investigation. Are the people involved professional investigators, or
is the organization someone's part-time hobby? Does the organization have some sory of accreditation from the scientific community?
How long has it been in business? What has been its history? Has it been successful in contacting ghosts and spirits? How
much evidence has it collected? Finally, what is the organizations reason for being involved in this work? Intention is important.
Ask questions. Anyonw nowadays can go out with a camera and audio equipment and say he or she is a ghost hunter. If you are
investing time and money in this process, be sure to employ the genuine article. The people you work with are so important.
If they don't know what they are doing, it can be extremely dangerous for all those involved.
Could you tell me more on spirit photography?
Cameras are a must on any ghost-hunting expedtion. Many ghost enthusiasts have successfully captured ghostly images on
film. However, you do not have to be part of a ghost-hunting group for ghostly images to appear in your photographs. When
working with spirit photography, the key component is your intuition. You may have an urge to take a picture at a particular
moment or to aim the camera at a certain angle. Listen to your inner voice; let your instinct be your guide. When attempting
to capture ghosts on film, follow these recommendations: Designate a photographer. Only one person should take pictures.
There may be several others present to help feed energy, but use only one photographer, and that person should be the same
throughout the event. Never call out to a spirit to reveal itself. You never know what might show up. Take the photo only
when you instinctively feel it is time to do so or when you are instructed by a ghost. Bring more than one camera and lots
of film and batteries. Save all the negatives, or camera cards, because many times an image will form after your first look. Store
these photos in a covered dark place, like a box or a book. Again, the best place to capture a ghosts, lights, and orbs
on film is in a place where there are people. Don't go to a cemetery or empty lot. Ghosts are always around live, vibrant
energy, especially the energy of their loved ones.
I want to use a quiji board, any information?
The Quiji Board--or talking board is a tool I would NOT recommend for anyone to use. In 1966, Parker Brothers marketed
the quiji board as a family game geared toward children. The company never really acknowledged its validity as a divination
tool. As the quiji board's popularity grew, many soon began to realize that it was no childrens game or a game at all. I have
used a quiji board before, but I believe that it has been the subject of many possessions, entitiy influences, and even schizophrenia.
But if you demand to find out for yourself keep these hints in mind and even my advice above.... Purify the space by lighting
incense to keep unwanted and lower energies, far away from the area. Put out a bowl of water, which acts as a conductor
of energy and helps them transmit messages. (Do you ever notice how often you receive insightful information in the shower
or bathtub? Water is a great conductor of energy) Light a candle to draw a light of protection around everyone participating. Play
pleasant music in the background. Light music can also raise the vibration to a very high level. The next and most importatn
part of the ritual is to take several minutes to mediate and center yourself. Focus on love and visualize a white light
around all.
Can I see my deceased family members in my dreams?
Yes, very much so. If you want to contact family members in a very safe and easy way, ask your loved ones to appear in
your dreams just before going to sleep. In a few days, or maybe a week, you will see them. Keep a dream journal to your bed
so that you can quickly write down your experiences in the dream state. The more time that passes after the dream, the more
likely you will start forgetting it. If you want to know your spirit guide, ask him or her to appear in your dreamsand tell
you what type of guide he or she is and what his or her work entails.
What exactly is mediumship?
A Medium is an individual who is able to contact the spirit world through psychic phenomena that are either physical or
mental in nature. As a mental medium, you have varuious abilities to communicate with the world beyond including: CLAIRVOYANCE:
Commonly known as "second sight", clairvoyance is the means by which a medium can visually see ghosts, pictures, symbols,
or images in his or her mind's eye. CLAIRAUDIENCE: Using this form of mediumship, a medium can hear spirit voices or read
a spirits thoughts that come into his or her head. CLAIRSENTIENCE: This is the most common form of mental mediumship. A
medium can sense and feel a spirits energy as well as its emotional state and personality. The other type of mediumship
is physical. A medium with this ability is harder to find nowadays. It is a phenomental gift with the following attributes: TRANSFIGURATION:
A spirit superimposes its face on the medium's face, and those in the room can see the visible characterisitcs of a deceased
person's face. APPORTS: Completely solid objects can materialize out of thin air through a physical medium. Often ghosts
will make coins will coins, flowers, keys, or stones appear. AUTOMATIC WRITING: A physical medium can write messages under
the influence of a ghost. Depending on the amount of blending of ghost with medium, many times the ghost's own penmanship
style will appear. TRANCE OR TRANCE CHANNEL: The medium falls into a trance, allowing a spirit to take control of his or
her body. There are many degrees of trance, from deep to light. Deep trance is the optimal way for a spirit to come through
completely. MATERIALIZATION: Under the right conditions, a spirit draws an etheral substance known as ectoplasm out of
the medium and others around him or her, and manipulates this ectoplamn so that the spirit takes on physical form. DIRECT
VOICE: Here again, a spirit draws out ectoplams from a medium and creates an artificial voice box. The spirit concentrates
its energies through this voice box and speaks in an earthly voice.
How can you tell that a ghost is inhabiting your physical space?
The ambience in the room seems dark or dense. Whenever I go into a place where there is a lot of ghostly activity, the
room feels a bit heavy, as if I am walking through tar. There are unexplainable electrical surges in your house or in machinery
and appliances like lights, computers, televisions, radios, garage doors, and Jacuzzis. If your appliances turn on and off
by themselves, oyu can bet you're sharing space with an earthbound entity. There is a distinct smell in the room or the
scent of a purfume that is unrecognizable. Temperature changes are also a telltale sign. You feel cold spots in one particular
area of your house. Perhaps you feel cold breezes around you or goosebumps and chills. Cold spots and breezes when windows
are doors are closed or the heat is on is a sure sign that a ghost is draining energy in those areas. You feel that someone
is watching you when there is no one around. You feel as if someone has touched you. You hear a knocking or rapping
sound, footsteps, banging, voices, whispers, or music. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a small flickering of light.
These are known as spirit lights. Objects in your home have been moved from one place to another without your touching
them. Or objects completely disappear and you never find them again. The water in your house turns on and off its own accord. Your
pets behavior seems strange. You see your cat or dog staring at something in the air that is not there. You notice impressions
or indentations on the bed, couch, or chairs that were not there before. The telephone rings and no one is on the other
end. Instead, you hear a lot of static. You have thoughts that are not your own.
What is a Poltergeist?
The term poltergeist comes from the German and means "noisy spirit" Poltergeist activity usually occurs very abruptly and
ends just as abruptly.
What is an Aura?
The aura, or sacred space, is the electromagnetic energy that surrounds and encompasses the atmosphere of every living
thing. The aura has often been referred to as a "halo" and is depicted in relgious paintings, especially those of Jesus, saints,
and angels.
Grounding and Balancing your energy
Sit in a chair with your spine against the back of the chair. This will ensure a proper energy flow up, down, in and out
of the various energy centers, or chakras. Close your eyes and place your awareness in the middle of your head on your third
eye chakra. Be aware of how your body feels. Breathing is one of the most important elements in any excercise. The breath
is your cleansing filter. IT is important to realize that when you inhale, you are taking in new energy, and when you exhale,
you are letting go of used energy. Place your awareness on the soles of your feet. Imagine that your feet are like tree
trunks and that roots extend from the soles of your feet downward into the ground right to the center of the earth. Next,
imagine a tube that goes from the base of your spine, through the ground, to the center of the earth. This tube will be used
for the release of any excess energy in your body that you no longer need or want. As you breathe in, imagine green, nurturing
mother earth energy coming up through the roots of your feet and into your legs, pelvis, stomach, and heart. As you exhale,
let go of any excess energy you may feel in your body through the tube that is attached to the base of your spine. See this
excess energy as gray or brown, and let it flow down the tube and into the earth. After several breaths in and out, imagine
the bright golden light of the sun hovering several feet above your head. This light represents the cosmic energies. As you
inhale once more, let the golden rays of the light come through the crown chakra at the top of your head and down your body
through your head, neck, shoulders, arms, back, and finally into the heart center. As you envision the earth energies and
the cosmic energies coming together, feel them blending in your heart.
Protection Exercise
Start with the grounding and balancing excerice. Remember to keep a steady breathing pattern when doing this. Next,
imagine that you are standing behind yourself, looking at your body. As you look at your body, become attuned to the space
surrounding it. What does this space look and feel like? With your mind's eye, visualize a blank white screen in front
of you. This screen is surrounded by a garden of colorful tulips. Special energy vison goggles are plugged into the screen.
Take the goggles and place them over your eyes. These goggles are able to detect energetic intrusions. As you stare at
the screen with your goggles, scan your body and the space around it from the top of your head on down. Make sure to take
your time. DO NOT RUSH TROUGH THIS STEP. Some energy is harder to detect than others. While you scan, notice whether there
are certain areas of the body and aura that appear dense, as if some type of matter is attached. When you see these pockets
of clumped energy, ask the energy to identify who or what it is. The answer will appear on your screen. If it is the energy
of a particular person, you will see his or her face projected on the screen. If it is a ghostly attachment, you should see
something projected on your screen. It could a person's figure or a dark mass. If the energy is leftover from a particular
event or situation, the event will appear on the screen. This step is vital in removing the energy from your space. As
you identify the energy on the screen, mentally command this energy to leave your space. Next, imagine the unwanted energy
absorbed by the tulips in your garden. As it goes into the tulips and back into Mother earth, it is transmuted into love. If
the energy turns out to be an uninvited ghost, mentally send the ghost a message that it has passed out of the physical world
and needs to return to its spirtual home. Tell the ghost to ask for a loving relative to come and take it into the light.
If the ghost is cooperative, it will be met by a loved one who will help it cross over to the light. Remember that without
your energy, an earthbound ghost loses power and cannot stay in your space unless you allow it.
Protection Exercise-Getting back you energy
Sit in a comfortable chair in a place where you will not be disturbed. Begin with the grounding and balancing exercise. Close
your eyes. Go back to the beginning of your day, from the time you got out of bed. Remember everything that happened during
your day, the people you spoke to, the places you spent time in, and so on. Make sure you focus only on one person and
situation at a time. As you see the situation in your mind's eye, be aware of the conversation you shared in person, over
the phone, or even through an e-mail. Be aware that with each conversation, or even by merely thinking of someone, you left
a bit of your energy behind. Next, remember your words and thoughts and see them leaving the person and situation returning
to you. Imagine this energy entering the crown chakra at the top of your head. Envision it as gold stardust coming into
your space and filling you with renewed energy.
Quick and Easy Protection Techniques
THE SHOWER OF LIGHT: As you stand under the shower, close your eyes and imagine the water turning into a waterfall of white
light. See the white light flowing through your entire body from you head to your feet. As it flows, it washes away pychic
debris and stagnant energy. This unwanted energy flows through your fingertip and toes and right down the drain. At the same
tiem, fresh, clean, powerful energy takes its place. As an added bonus of protection, see this white light surround your entire
auric shell, sealing up any cracks and holes so that no harmful energy can intrude int your space. THE REFLECTIVE MIRROR:
This is an exercise to do before entering a place where there may be negative energy and you want to protect yourself from
people's thoughts and feelings. Imagine a 360-degree mirror surrounds your entire body. The reflective side points away from
you and therefore shields you. When any thoguhts come your way, the mirror will deflect them and they will be returned to
their source. THE CLOAK: When you want to go somewhere and ramin anonyomous, imagine that you are wearing a dark- colored
cloak that covers your entire body from head to toe. You will be amazed by the results. No one will notice that you
are around. THE BUBBLE: Imagine a large bubble completely surrounding you. Fill the bubble with your favorite colors, ones
that represent and reflect your personality and make you feel loved. With each color, mentally say, This color protects me
against any negativity that comes my way. PINK LIGHT: Whenever you are concerned about someone, like your child, and want
to send him or her instant protection, see the person surrounded by a pink light. The color pink represents unconditional
love. By envisioning the person in pink light, you are sening him or her love and protection. MAKE EM LAUGH: If you are
around negative people and you want to change the energy and make the atmosphere lighter, tell a joke, make a silly face,
or change the subject to to something they can laugh at. Laughter is one of nature's intrinsic defense mechanisms. It can
quickly turn depression or sadness into optimism. No one is ummune to the dark forces in spirit. In fact, a dark energy
would love to invade a good person and siphon off all that good energy. Wherever you go, always surround yourself with the
white light or spirit, and remember that it takes only a minute or two to protect yourself from human and ghostly psychic