Pennsylvania Paranormal Society of Elk County

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Demonic Possession
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Other Services

From Investigations to Law Enforcement to school help to even lectures...

Law Enforcement Help? Religious help?

PPS will consider assisting paranormal organizations with their cases based on the level of urgency or scientific/moral benefit. PPS will also consider assisting law enforcement/government with cases. PPS is also available to work with religious organizations and clergy.

Evidence. We suggest that you do not send evidence to us right away. We may ask you to fill out a Consultation Form & Agreement before we consider reviewing evidence. PPS will try to make its resources as available as possible if your evidence is accepted for review. We are not looking to review evidence from individuals or organizations who are wishing to gain fame or noteriety from it. We are here to provide an educational service to those who are hoping to better understand the evidence.

Case Consultation. PPS will make try to make itself available to offer advice and other resources for paranormal groups looking for assistance. Since PPS' time is very limited, we suggest only contacting us if it is of an urgent nature. Cases involving families/clients will also get priority.

Law Enforcement/Government. PPS is willing to help out searching for missing children, adults, and elderly.

Religious & Clergy. If you are a part of an officially recognized religious organization or are a member of the clergy, PPS may be able to offer its investigative services. We have assisted clergy by conducting confidential investigations for their review. Priests taking on a demonic case may want to consider having an official investigation conducted. PPS has a network of professionals in the medical and mental health fields, as well as individuals who are very experienced working with clergy of different faiths. PPS' goal is to provide an objective and scientific investigation to rule out natural explanations. PPS is also available for over-the-phone consultation, as well.

Other Consultation. For all other consultation services, please e-mail or contact us below and provide as much information as possible.


For Colleges & Universities/High Schools: Now you can bring Kimberly Nichols to your college to talk about their work as paranormal investigators.

Kimberly Nichols and team will go in depth and answer questions you may have,.

Does your college have a paranormal society or are there students interested in forming one? Nichols and team will try to make time available before or after the lecture to meet with students who are involved in or are wanting to start a paranormal society at the college. Nichols and team will be more than happy to share their knowledge and give advice on how to form a society at the college.


send us an e-mail...


Conventions & Paranormal Events:
Want to bring PPS to your convention or paranormal event? Please e-mail to check availability. Please give us as much information as possible about the event.

Non-Profit & Educational Conferences:
If you are a non-profit organization or throwing a predominately educational conference, please e-mail us at to check availability. Please provide us with as much information as possible about the event.

Homework Help:

Need help on a report? Contact PPS and we will work to meet up with you to help you

Corporate & All Other Events:
Please e-mail us at for more info.


CLASSES WE OFFER: You don't need to be a member of our team to be able to partake in these special courses available to you. If you or someone you know is interested in one of these classes, please contact and for the subject put the class name.

1. Paranormal Knowledge






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