Pennsylvania Paranormal Society of Elk County

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Investigation Request

Do you have a alleged haunting and would like PPS to come out and investigate? When contacting us, please include the  information listed on this page.

To Whom It May Concern,
           As part of our investigations, we must coordinate our research efforts on historical sites, including cemeteries, churches, parklands, etc. We seek permission for our group to have access for 1-3 (ONE-THREE) evenings, preferably this week sometime, it would be after regular gate hours, in order to conduct the field investigation. We expect this to be a dry run for future coordination of professional research. It will also establish base readings so that we may more ably gauge when future readings are anomalous. Our research is dependent on clear weather, and will have to be postponed if fog, rain, high winds, snow or other inclement weather occurs on the set date and time. We will notify you of any cancellation, and if there is a need to reschedule, your permission will again be sought. We understand, and fully respect that we will be on private property at all times, and all due consideration will be given, so that no damage come to any burial sites, mementos, or any part of your property. If through accident, or neglect on our part we do cause damage, we will repay your organization in full for the cost of repairing it. We each have the utmost respect for all those who have a loved one buried here, and solemnly promise there will be no intoxicant consumption, horseplay, or any other disagreeable conduct, just the research as mentioned above will be done, for the duration permitted, and on the agreed site(s). We will also notify the appropriate division of local Police of the date and time of our study, so that there won’t be a false alarm. We agree that we undertake this research at our own risk, and understand that your organization is not responsible for any injury or damage to the students or their instruments, while on your property. We agree to conduct the entire study out of view of passerby, and the general public, so as not to arouse their interest. We ask that if you give your permission, please leave a current copy of your property’s map with the caretaker, so that we can accurately make our way to our location, with no needless walking around. Please give us your consideration, in this matter, if you require any other conditions to be met, we will accommodate them into our proposal, and sign to it. ALL others will disclose their names and contact information, and sign to your terms as well, on the date of the study.

Yours truly, Kimi Nichols PPS Director Cell: ( 585 ) 354-3429 (leave message)

Interview Questions for client to answer

1. Address of site:

2. Name of witness:

3. Mailing address if different:

4. Phone number:

5. Email Address:

6. How many occupants at location:

7. How many pets:

8. Occupants' names and ages:

9. Occupants' occupations:

10. Occupants' religious beliefs:

11. Time of occupancy at the location:

12. Age of the site:

13. How many previous owners (if known):

14. History of site: (tragedies, deaths, previous complaints)

15. How many rooms in the site:

16. Has the location been blessed:

17. Has there been any recent remodeling (if so, what and where):

18. Any occupants on prescribed medication (anxiety, depression, pain, etc) Please list names and medications:

19. Any occupants using illegal drugs (this will be kept confidential):

20. Any occupants drink alcohol heavily (this will be kept confidential):

21. Any occupants interested in the occult: (Ouija, séances, psychics, spells) If so, who and what?

22. Any occupants currently seeing a psychiatrist or in therapy (this will be kept confidential): if so, who:

23. Any occupants with frequent or unexplained illnesses (if yes, describe):

24. Have any religious clergy been consulted: If so, please list church:

25. Has there been any media involvement: If so, who:

26. Have there been any other witnesses besides the occupants (names and relationships)

27. Have there been any odors: (i.e. perfumes, flowers, sulfur, ammonia, excrement, etc) If so, when, where and what:

28. Have there been any sounds: (i.e. footsteps, knocks, banging, etc) If so, when, where and what:

29. Have there been any voices: (whispering, yelling, crying, speaking) If so, when, where and what:

30. Has there been any movement of objects, If so, when, where and what:

31. Has there been any apparitions, If so, when, where and what (describe the apparition):

32. Have there been any uncommon cold or hot spots: If so, when, where and what:

33. Have there been any problems with electrical appliances: (TV, lights, kitchen appliances, doorbells) If so, when, where and what:

34. Have there been any problems with plumbing: (leaks, flooding, sinks, toilet bowls) If so, when, where and what:

35. Any occupants having nightmares or trouble sleeping: If so, who and when:

36. Have there been any physical contact: If so, who, where and what happened:

37. Are pets affected: If so, how:

38. Describe the first occurrence of the phenomena: (what and when happened?)

39. Who first witnessed the phenomena:

40. What time was the first occurrence of the phenomena:

41. What is the witness's reaction during the phenomena:

42. Were there any other witnesses during the first event:

43. How long is the average duration of the phenomena:

44. How often does the phenomena occur:

45. Do any of the occupants feel the phenomena is threatening: If so, who and why?

46. What do the occupants believe is happening: (i.e. it's supernatural, natural, unsure, etc.) :

47. Do all of the occupants agree on what is happening, Do any think it's nonsense or not happening:

48. What would you like to see accomplished from our visit?

TIME:______DATE:________E-mail Address:_____________________________

Client Name:___________________

 Location of Alleged Haunting:_____________________________

Any children at this location?:

 Brief description of happenings:

Best time and date(s) to visit/investigate:


If you would prefer to call us, then call 585-354-3429 and leave a message. This is the directors cell phone.

Please include:
             (1) The time you call.
The date.
             (3)A call back number.
             (4) Your name.
             (5) Your e-mail address if easy to remember.
             (6) Tell us if any children are at the location.
             (7) Brief description of haunting.
             (8) and the best time and date(s) to visit/investigate.

Confidentiality Form

PPS respects your right to privacy. All of your personal information will be kept confidential. PPS would like to use some or all of the information and evidence collected during the investigation for possible inclusion in our website, newsletter and other future media considerations. Please check the level of confidentiality you would like to request: ___ PPS may not release any part of the investigation to the public.

___ PPS may release the information providing that the identity of witnesses and clients are changed and the exact address of the location is excluded.

___ PPS may release any/all of the information and evidence collected during the investigation.

___ Other comments/requests________________________________________________________________


Signed_______________________________________ Date___________

Witness______________________________________ Date___________



I, ______________________________ , have the authority to allow access to PPS. members and affiliated persons to _____________________________ located in ____________________ for the purpose of conducting an investigation into possible paranormal occurrences or conducting field research at this location. The investigation process has been explained to me and I give PPS permission to conduct one at this location.PPS releases the owner of the location from any liability for injuries and/or damages incurred during the investigation. PPS assumes responsibility for any damages to the property during the investigation.

 Signed________________________________ Date_________________ Witness________________________________ Date_________________


****Every request we receive is put on a scale of 0-5. 5 being severe and 0 not severe. We only respond to the most severe when we are booked. Sorry if this causes any problems.*****

****Also we may ask for you to see a doctor for a physical both mentally and physically to know that you are healthy. It's not that we don't believe you it is just routine.*****

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