Pennsylvania Paranormal Society of Elk County

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Demonic Possession

Do you feel you may have a case of demonic possession and need assistance ASAP...If you are having trouble finding deliverance, fill out the form below and we will help you! If we have any more questions after receiving your enclosed form we will then contact you...After we look over your application we will then set up a date for us to come visit you..If we feel the need to get deliverance, we will then take the precautionary tools to do so...
                      HOW DEMONS ENTER

One of the most common entrances of demon is through channeling the spirits.   Demons enter by invitation.  The invitation to enter gives them legal ground to begin a oppression or possession.   Demonic control is directly related to the time and effort a person engages in the channeling activity.

Channeling Activity

Channeling is an Occult method used to summon and communicate with the spirits.  A list of Channeling Activity is below* Bondage Breaker, Niel Armstrong:


Astral  Projection

Ouija Board

Bloody Mary

Table lifting

Magic Eight Ball

Spell or Curses

Mental Telepathy

Automatic Handwriting


Spirit Guides

Fortune Telling/divination

Tarot cards


Magic--The Gathering



palm reading


Hypnosis (amateur or self-induced)


Black or white magic

Dungeons & Dragons

Blood pacts or cutting yourself on purpose

Object of worship/ crystals/good luck charms

Sexual spirits

Martial arts (mysticism/devotion to sensei)


new Age


Mind Science cults


Roy Master

Silva Mind Control

Transcendental Meditation


Hare Krishna


Native American spirit worship



Buddhism (including Zen)

Black Muslim


Other non-Christian religion or cults

Occult or violent video and computer games, movies, TV show, music, books, magazines or comics.*

Cast It Out

Negative Thoughts and Emotions

Another entrance demons use is through our negative emotions.   Negative emotions are first the result of the person's wrong thinking patterns.   If the negative emotions and thoughts are allowed to fester for a long period of time and demon can gain a "foothold" in the mind.  The demon then gains influence begins to magnify the wrong thinking with more intense and hateful thoughts.  If the person does not correct that intense negative thinking pattern but encourages the thoughts, the demon can gain more control of the mind by permanently entering the mind

Cast It Out

Demon Groupings represents patterns experienced in actual deliverance sessions** (Pigs in the Parlor --p.113-114-see reference)
Bitterness Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder
Rebellion Self-will, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-submissiveness
Strife Contention, Bickering, Argument, Quarreling, Fighting
Control Possessiveness, Dominance, Witchcraft
Retaliation Destruction, Spite, Hatred, Sadism, Cruelty
Accusation Judging, Criticism, Faultfinding
Rejection Fear of Rejection, Self-rejection
Insecurity Inferiority, Self-Pity, Loneliness, Timidity, Shyness, Inadequacy, Ineptness
Jealousy Envy, Suspicion, Distrust, Selfishness
Withdrawal Pouting, Daydreaming, Fantasy, Pretension, Unreality
Escape Indifference, Stoicism, Passivity, Sleepiness, Alcohol, Drugs
Passivity Funk, Indifference, Listlessness, Lethargy
Depression Despair. Despondency, Discouragement, Defeatism, Dejection, Hopelessness, Suicide, Death, Insomnia, Morbidity
Heaviness Gloom, Burden, Disgust
Worry Anxiety, Fear, Dread, Apprehension
Nervousness Tension,, Headache, Nervous habits, Restlessness, Excitement, Insomnia, Roving
Sensitveness Self-awareness, Fear of man, Fear of disapproval
Persecution Unfairness, Fear of judgment, Fear of condemnation, Fear of accusation, Fear of reproof, Sensitiveness
Mental Illness Insanity, Madness, Mania, Retardation, Senility, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Hallucinations
Paranoia Jealousy, Envy, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears, Confrontation
Confusion Frustration, Incoherence, Forgetfulness
Indecision Procrastination, Compromise, Confusion,Forgetfulness, Indifference
Self-Deception Self-delusion, Self-seduction, Pride
Mind-Binding Confusion, Fear of man, Fear of failure, Occult spirits, Spiritsm spirits
Mind Idolatry Intellectualism, Rationalization, Pride, Ego
Fears (all kinds) Phobias (all kinds) Hysteria
Fear of Authority Lying , Deceit
Pride Ego, Vanity, Self righteousness, Haughtiness, Importance, Arrogance
Affectation Theatrics, Payacting, Sophistication, Pretension
Covetousness Stealing, Kleptomania, Material lust, Greed, discontent
Perfection Pride, Vanity,Ego, Frustration, Criticism, Irritability, Intolerance, Anger
Competitions Driving, Argument, Pride, Ego
Impatience Agitation, Frustration, Intolerance, Resentment, Criticism
False Burden False responsibility, False compassion
Grief Sorrow, Heartache, Heartbreak,Crying, Sadness, Cruel
Fatigue Tiredness, Weariness, Laziness
Infirmity (May include any disease or sickness)
Inheritance (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Curses)
Hyper-activity Restlessness, Driving, Pressure
Cursing Blasphemy, Course jesting, gossip, Criticism, Backbiting, Mockery, Belittling, railing
Addictive & compulsive Nicotine, Alcohol, Drugs, medications, Caffeine, Gluttony
Gluttony Nervousness, Compulsive eating, Resentment, Frustration, Idleness, Self-pity, Self-reward
Self-Accusation Self-hatred, self-condemnation
Guilt Condemnation, Shame, Unworthiness, Embarrassment
Sexual Impurity lust, Fantasy lust, Masturbation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Adultery, Fornication, Incest, Harlotry, Rape, Exposure, Frigidity
Cults Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Urantia, Subud, Latihan, Unity, Mormonism, Bahaism, Unitarianism (Lodges, societies, and social agencies using the Bible & God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)
Occult Ouija Board, Palmistry, Handwriting analysis, Automatic handwriting, ESP, Hypnotism, Horoscope, Astrology, Levitation, Fortune telling, Water witching, Tarot cards, Pendulum, Witchcraft, Balck magic, White magic,Conjuration, Incantation,Charms, Fetishes, Etc.
Religious Ritualism, Formalism, Legalism, Doctrinal obsession, Seduction, Doctrinal error, fear of God, Fear of Hell, Fear of  lost salvation, Religiosity, Etc.
Spiritism Seance, Spirit Guide, Necromancy, Etc.
False Religions Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism, Confucianism, Etc.

Cast It Out

Generational Curses

There could be Occult activity in your family that can be as far back as four generations.  This gives demons legal ground to harass. Just as some diseases can be inherited so can demonic activity in families.    The person has no idea why their mind and spirit are oppressed.

Questions to ask yourself:

Have you ever had an imaginary friend or spirit guide?

Have you ever heard voices in your head?

Do you have nagging,  extreme thoughts for no apparent reason?

Do you have nightmares on a regular basis?



Name: ___________________________

Spouse Name_____________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________ State _____________

Zip ________________

Home Phone ______________________

Work Phone: _____________________________

Cell Phone: __________________________

E-mail: _______________________________

Date of Birth:______________________


Emergency Contact: ______________________________

Phone: ____________________

Church I Attend: _________________________________ Pastor/Priest________________

Church Phone: _____________________________

Pastor/Priest Phone: _______________________

Description of the situation (Use the back if necessary): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prescription Drugs I take: ____________________________________________________


I take vitamins & supplements (Name them): ______________________________________


My Physician's Name is:_______________________ Phone_________________________

My Psychiatrists Name is: _______________________

Phone _________________________

My Counselor's name is: ________________________


My general health is: __________________________________________________________


Answer each question. Circle one of the following:

I attend Fellowship on a regular basis? Yes No

I read the Bible on a daily basis? Yes No

I am a born-again Christian? Yes No

I have been baptized in the Spirit? Yes No

I smoke: Yes No

I drink alcohol: Yes No

I drink caffeine: Yes No

I am a vegetarian: Yes No

I exercise: Yes No

I am overweight: Yes No

I hear voices: Yes No

I have night terrors: Yes No

I have night visitors: Yes No

I have been abducted: Yes No

I have seen UFOs: Yes No

I have attempted suicide: Yes No

I have channeled guides: Yes No

I have Astral Traveled: Yes No

I have Remote Viewed: Yes No

I have been Hypnotized: Yes No

I have tried vampirism: Yes No

D & D: Yes No

Pagan/Satanist/Wiccan: Yes No

Voodoo/Santeria: Yes No

Sacrificed animals: Yes No

I talk to the dead: Yes No

I watch Jonathan Edwards on TV: Yes No

I have been levitated: Yes No

What drugs have you used? __________________________________________________

I have been diagnosed as (i.e. bipolar, schizophrenic, MPD, DID, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________


Please send a copy of your psychiatric workup whe possible.

Describe your faith: _________________________________________________________


Parent's History (Include divorce, alcoholism, murder, incest, pedophilia, drug use, witchcraft,

religions, diseases, mental health, suicide, depression, etc. Use the back if necessary): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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